What is Salvation? Who needs it? How do you attain it? The Salvation Guide below has the answers to those question and more.
Assurance of Salvation
Do you have salvation? How can you be sure? The Guide to Assurance below has those answers, that you may not doubt again.
What must precede baptism according to Mark 16:14-16?
“He that believeth” you must first believe to be baptized.
Christ commanded baptism in Matthew 28:19-20. What are the four commands Christ gives?
- Go into the world
- Make disciples
- Teach new believers
- Baptize new believers
Was baptism was practiced in the New Testament and Old Testament?
No, only through Jesus’s sacrifice are we able to be born again.
Should a person be baptized before they believe in Christ as our Saviour?
No, a person must believe before baptism.